lunes, 30 de julio de 2012

How is technology in my classroom, the following presentation shows the real situation in my school about technology

miércoles, 25 de julio de 2012

Anakampana webquest

Hope this time you can see my webquest

This is my WebQuest, hope you can get ideas from it!
Yuppiii!! Finally I could do it, this presentation was made by Super Mara and Anakampana, hope you enjoy it and thanks Teacher Celia, you have just encouraged me to learn something new and useful,thanks!

The use of email


Our Presentation titled "The use of e-mail for teachers"
Let's see if this time, it works!!! We are all learning guys!The use of e-mail
ok, I have tried all afternoon to upload this in the right way, hope it works now

martes, 24 de julio de 2012


Well... I remember a lot of this master and I have some pictures I'd like to share, but I'm too dumb and  I don't know how to upload photos yet.
Certainly, I'd never forget you guys. You are unique and awesome and together we are "one hell of a class" with our different personalities, qualities and drawbacks (hihihih).
Thanks for giving a new Verb: To Sheilar. a new adjective: Roosterest. A new noun : "The conch" and specially a new name: THORA.



Where is everybody? Are you so busy to write a mini post in my corner? Come on! Write at least Hi!

miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012

So, can you think in one memory of this Master and add a pic, come on!!! Like this one, can you see some physical changes in all our classmates?

This blog is dedicated to all my Master Friends whom I have met for almost 2 years, I would like to post here and ask them to post all the experiences we have lived together but also help each other in different situations that we face in our lives and classrooms. Sharing links for education and also personal links . This will be a link for life, no matter where we are!!

Just ask Mama......Anakampana!